
How To Observe The Wildlife At National Parks Safely

How To Observe The Wildlife At National Parks Safely


National parks are one of the most favorite places to visit especially for kids and wildlife enthusiasts. They are filled with wonderful wildlife living in their habitat safely from human threats. You see hoe eagles soaring overhead, grizzlies lumbering through lush green meadows, and herd of bison causing traffic jam. Those are something you don’t always see anytime you want. Having encounter with those amazing animals is such a lifetime moment. Keep in mind to not get caught up in the moment. 

wildlife safely

Observing the wildlife at the national parks safely

Keep in mind that national parks are not petting zoos. They are not theme parks either. The wildlife living in the national parks are wild. Therefore, you need to know how to observe them properly and keep yourself safe, and here are some important tips to follow:

Stay alert 

Don’t get caught up in the moment when viewing wildlife. You need to stay alert so you will notice if danger is approaching you. Animals have more fined sense of smell, sight, and hearing better than humans. They also know better the parks more than anyone since it’s their territory. Make sure to stay alert when viewing or observing animals that can blend well into their surroundings. You may not realize when they come get closer to you. 

Be mindful when driving through a national park

Stay alert when you are driving through a national park since critters are usually venturing out onto the road. Paved roads are cut through their habitats and vehicles are often block their ways. Hence, animals often can be seen wandering up on to the roads and get struck by moving vehicles. 

Stop when encountering wildlife on the road

When you encounter a herd of animals on the road, make sure to know to brake. Seeing a herd of bison strolling down the street, it’s better for you to stop for a while and let them pass through to ensure their safety and yours. If you want to observe more or snap a picture while they are in their habitat, pull off of the road and park only in a designated pull-out area of parking lot properly. 

Stay on the trails

Exploring national parks can be an unforgettable moment in your life but make sure to do it properly and respectfully. You can explore national park by foot, horseback, or bicycle but make sure to stay on the designated trails. Trails are made so humans stay on the predictable portions of the park keeping the wildlife steer clear from human path. 

Maintain safe distance

During your visit to national park, you are not allowed to pet, touch, feed, taunt, frighten, and do anything that potentially disturb the wildlife. Those are illegal things to do and you can be penalized from violating the law. Keep a distance of at least 25 yards from all animals and keep your distance of at least 100 yards from predators. Have a buddy or a designated guide to accompany you exploring the park.

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